
Implants are screws made of titanium and a dental crown made of ceramic. The screws are operated into the jawbone and act as a tooth root. The body does not repel titanium and it has a unique ability to quickly grow into the jawbone. Implants are a good solution for persons who have lost one or more teeth. Another advantage of implants is that you avoid attaching bridges to healthy teeth and thus strain them.

The implant treatment consists of two steps. First you start with the operation part where the implant specialist operates on the titanium screw in the jawbone. The second step is the prosthetic part when the implant crown is attached to the screw.

To avoid inflammation and loosening of implants, good oral hygiene must be maintained. Therefore, regular check-ups of the implant are important at the dentist / dental hygienist.

Questions and answers about dental implants

How much does a dental implant hurt does a dental implant hurt?

Inserting dental implants is easy and usually a completely painless experience. If you are worried about inserting the implants, you can get a sedative, but in most cases only local anesthesia is needed.

How long does it take to insert a dental implant?

A normal treatment takes about 3-6 months.

How much does the Swedish Social Insurance Agency pay for dental implants?

High cost protection implants This means that Försäkringskassan covers 50% of the costs that, according to the reference price, exceed SEK 3,000. If the price for your dental implants (according to the reference price) exceeds SEK 15,000, the high-cost protection kicks in and reimburses 85% of costs that exceed SEK 15,000.

When can you eat after implants?

After 3 hours, you can start eating cold and liquid food such as soup, milk, yogurt and mashed fruit. Eat lightly chewed food for the first few days as it helps the implants to heal.

How much does 1 dental implant cost?

It is estimated that a dental implant with us at Drottningkliniken costs between SEK 15,000 - 20,000. It is important to know that the price of dental implants and the treatment varies from case to case. Here we explain everything you need to know about dental implant costs.

What is better implant or bridge?

In case of bone loss at the missing tooth when the patient needs new bone in the area and wants less expensive and faster treatment, a dental bridge can be more advantageous compared to implants. However, when the neighboring teeth are intact, implant treatment would be a better solution